Matthew Knowles, the father of entertainer Beyonce, was recently accused of failing to pay court-ordered support to his former mistress on behalf of their 2-year-old son. The boy’s mother claimed that Knowles had missed 2 months in child support and owed $24,000. The mother added that she has been forced to cut back expenses by pulling the child out of school because of the delinquent child-support payments.
Chicago parents know how expensive raising a child can be. The costs of health care, education, clothing, food and recreation are all considered when the cost of living for a child is calculated. This is balanced by the financial ability of the payer, usually the noncustodial parent, to pay the support and meet the child’s everyday expenses.
Whether they want to pay support or not, noncustodial parents who are required by a court to pay a monthly amount must understand how important it is to meet a child’s living expenses. Being a responsible parent means making sure a child has a chance to live a normal life, and missed child support payments can drastically affect the child’s chances. Missed child support payments usually inhibit the custodial parents’ ability to care for the child in some way, and often the issue results in requests for legal action. In this case, the woman of the young son has filed a lawsuit in order to force the father to pay the support he owes.
Illinois parents who find it difficult to make their child-support payments can ask the courts for modification. A request can be granted on grounds of unemployment or if serious medical conditions are affecting the payer’s finances and ability to pay the support. Similarly, the custodial parent who receives the child support can file a legal complaint when payments become delinquent. In both cases, consulting with a qualified Schaumburg divorce attorney may be the best course of action.
Source:Â, “Jay Z and Beyonce go vegan, Matthew Knowles called a dead beat dad,” December 4, 2013
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