
Divorce Lawyer Des Plaines

Divorce Lawyer Des Plaines

Divorce Lawyer Des Plaines

Divorce is a difficult transition for anyone who faces it. Ultimately, divorce represents the dissolution of a legal contract that you entered into when you married, and there are parental and financial rights involved – in addition to an undeniable emotional element that tends to make the entire process that much more difficult. If you are facing a divorce, you need an experienced divorce lawyer in Des Plaines on your side – protecting your rights and skillfully negotiating for terms that work for you and your children.

The Components of Divorce

While your divorce will be utterly unique to your marriage, your family, and your situation, the separate components that make up every divorce include (as applicable):

  • The division of your marital property
  • Child custody arrangements and parenting time
  • Child support
  • Alimony

The Division of Your Marital Property

In Illinois, marital property refers to those assets that you and your spouse acquired over the course of your marriage, and it is to be divided equitably – or fairly under the given circumstances – in the event of divorce. That property that you bring into your marriage and keep separate throughout remains your separate property, but this is often easier said than done. The division of marital property is an important financial concern that frequently becomes hotly contested. 

Child Custody Arrangements and Parenting Time

In the State of Illinois, child custody arrangements are actually divided into each parent’s decision-making responsibilities and parenting time schedules, but these correlate closely with legal and physical custody. Decision-making responsibilities, like legal custody, refers to who will make the important decisions related to your children’s lives moving forward, and this responsibility can be either joint, sole, or split between you according to the kind of decisions being made. Parenting time, on the other hand, correlates with physical custody, and it addresses how you and your children’s other parent will split your time with them. Often, one parent becomes the primary custodial parent – with whom the children primarily reside – and the other has a parenting time schedule, but this isn’t necessarily the case. 

Child Support

Child support payments are intended to ensure that both parents live up to their financial responsibilities to their children. Generally, the parent with the parenting time schedule (the parent with fewer overnight visits) pays child support, but even if you split your time equally with your shared kids, the higher earner among you will very likely pay child support, which is calculated in accordance with each parent’s ability to pay. 


Alimony, which is called spousal support in Illinois, is a payment mechanism that is intended to help balance one spouse’s divorce-related financial downturn with the other spouse’s ability to help. Usually, alimony is a temporary fix that is intended to allow the recipient to find more solid financial footing. 

Don’t Wait to Consult with an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Des Plaines

The accomplished divorce lawyers at SAM LAW OFFICE, LLC, in Des Plaines take great pride in helping clients like you obtain beneficial divorce terms. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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