
Divorce Lawyers DuPage County

Divorce Lawyers DuPage County

Divorce Lawyers DuPage County

Divorce is not only an immense emotional undertaking but is also a complicated legal matter. The divorce terms you come away with will directly affect you and your children’s post-divorce lives, which makes working closely with an experienced divorce lawyer in DuPage County paramount. 

Your Divorce Terms

Your divorce will be utterly unique to you, your family, and the relevant circumstances involved, but the terms that you’ll need to resolve in the process are the same for every divorcing couple (as applicable), including:

  • Your child custody arrangements, which include both parental responsibilities and parenting time
  • Child Support
  • The division of your marital property
  • Alimony (or spousal support)

Let’s take a closer look at each. 

Your Child Custody Arrangements

If you and your divorcing spouse share children, your child custody arrangement are naturally of utmost concern. The State of Illinois breaks child custody down as follows:

  • Parental responsibilities, which refers to who will be making the big-picture parenting decisions moving forward – including those related to your children’s health care, education, and extracurriculars
  • Parenting time, which is the schedule by which you and your ex will divide your overnights with the kids

Both can be either sole or joint, but it is very rare for the court to cut a parent out of visitation with his or her children (without a compelling reason for doing so). 

Child Support

Child support is calculated using the state’s calculation methodology. While a large number of variables can be factored in, the primary concerns include you and your ex’s incomes and the number of overnights each of you has with the children. Even, however, if your parenting time schedule divides your overnights with the kids directly down the middle, the parent who is the higher earner is very likely to pay child support. 

The Division of Your Marital Property

The division of your marital property is another primary divorce concern, and any assets that you acquired while you were married must be divided between you upon divorce in a manner that is considered fair in light of the relevant circumstances.


While alimony does not play a role in every divorce, it can be an important financial tool if the divorce leaves one spouse incapable of supporting himself or herself at the same financial level achieved during marriage and leaves the other spouse with the financial ability to help. Generally, alimony is set for a duration that allows the recipient the time necessary to become more financially independent. The longer the marriage, the longer alimony’s duration is likely to be. 

An Experienced Divorce lawyer in DuPage County Is Standing by to Help

The seasoned divorce lawyers at SAM LAW OFFICE, LLC, in DuPage County understand how difficult your situation is and are committed to skillfully advocating for divorce terms that bolster you and your children’s best interests. Your case is important, and we’re here to help – so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.

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