
Inverness Family Law Attorney

Inverness Family Law Attorney

Inverness Family Law Attorney

Family law is a sweeping category of the law that addresses legal concerns as they relate to your family, which makes it an especially important branch of the law. If you have a family-related legal concern, consulting with an experienced Inverness family law attorney sooner rather than later is well advised. 

Family Law Matters

Family law addresses a wide array of concerns that include all the following:

  • The terms of a divorce
  • Post-decree modifications
  • Parenting arrangements and modifications that occur outside of marriage and divorce
  • Paternity

The Terms of Divorce

Every divorce is as unique as the circumstances involved, but the terms that must be resolved do not waiver, including:

The Division of Marital Property

The assets that you amass while you are married are considered marital property, and upon divorce, they must be divided between you in a manner that is deemed equitable – or fair –  in light of the circumstances involved. This division has the potential to be the most hotly debated divorce term of all, and certain factors tend to complicate the matter even further, including:

  • High assets 
  • Generally complicated financials
  • Business ownership
  • Entangled separate and marital assets.  

Parenting Issues

Parents who do not live together need to sort out how to divide parental responsibilities and parenting time. Parenting time addresses how you and your children’s other parent will divide your time with your shared children, and parental responsibilities address who will be making the important parenting decisions moving forward. 

Child Support

Child support is calculated in accordance with state guidelines, but the factors that play the most influential roles include each parent’s income and the number of overnights each parent spends with the children. Ultimately, the higher earner among you will very likely be responsible for paying child support. 


Alimony only plays a role in those divorces in which one spouse experiences a financial setback and the other has the financial means to help. Usually, alimony is intended to allow the recipient the time he or she needs to become self-supporting via education, experience, and/or job training. 


When the mother and father are not married at the time of a child’s birth, paternity cannot be resolved until it is established. Establishing paternity helps to ensure all of the following:

  • That the child receives financial support from both parents
  • That the father’s parental rights are protected
  • That the father and child can develop a loving, lasting, and enriching relationship
  • That inheritance rights, military benefits, and employment-based health insurance (related to the father) flow to the child 

It’s Time to Consult with an Experienced Inverness Family Law Attorney

If you have a family law concern, the trusted Inverness family law attorneys at the SAM LAW OFFICE, LLC, recognize the gravity of the matter and are committed to harnessing the full strength of their legal prowess in skilled defense of your rights. For more information about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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