
Palatine Child Custody Lawyers

Palatine Child Custody Lawyers

Palatine Child Custody Lawyers

Even in cases in which spouses are in the midst of a heated Illinois divorce, they can usually agree that they both want what is best for their children. However, the problem is getting both sides to reach an agreement on what the best course of action is regarding custody. When you are struggling to finalize an agreement on child custody and parenting time in Illinois, it is time to contact our skilled Palatine child custody lawyers.

At SAM LAW OFFICE LLC, our team of Illinois family lawyers is here for you. We understand how difficult custody battles can be. We also recognize the sensitivity of disputes when children are involved. That is why we offer compassionate, yet aggressive, legal representation to parents like you. We know you want to finalize your divorce and child custody agreement so you can start moving on with your life. It can feel like an overwhelming process, but it is not when you have the right child custody lawyer on your side.

Our top priority is to assist you in your child custody issues while ensuring that your rights are always protected. The ideal outcome is going to be one that benefits both your children and you.

How do Illinois Courts decide Child Custody Matters?

As you work through your divorce, you will see that Illinois courts refer to child custody and visitation by other names. Recent changes in the law now refer to them as allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. Under the revised legal process, the court looks at which parent will be responsible for making legal decisions on their child’s behalf and how each parent will be allocated time. Unless there is a serious issue of why a child should not be with one parent, the court always prefers to develop a plan that includes involvement from both parents.

It does not matter what your situation is; the family court judge has only one main priority. That priority is to decide your custody case on what is in the best interest of your children. What this means is the court may opt to rule in a way that is not what either you or your spouse wanted. Family court judges understand there is no one situation that is ideal for everyone. That is why they consider several factors before making a decision, including but not limited to:

  • How well is your child already adjusted to their current living situation? This includes the relationship with each parent and siblings.
  • What is the overall mental, physical, and emotional health of all family members?
  • Does either parent have a criminal history?
  • Are there any allegations of domestic violence?
  • What do the children want if they are old enough to express their wishes?

 Contact our Palatine Child Custody Lawyers

If you need assistance with your Illinois child custody battle, do not attempt to resolve it yourself. Let our skilled Palatine child custody lawyers help. Contact SAM LAW OFFICE LLC today to schedule an initial consultation.

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