
Driver Fatigue in Commercial Trucking

Auto Accidents
Driver Fatigue in Commercial Trucking

Driver Fatigue in Commercial Trucking

Driving while tired or sleepy is never a good decision. Exhaustion makes it harder to react in time to other drivers and situations on the road, and you’re more likely to make mistakes due to slowed reflexes. Considering the dangers of driver fatigue, it’s no wonder that it’s a leading cause of commercial trucking accidents. Fatigued truck drivers put other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Even with safety measures in place, these tragic incidents still happen.

SAM LAW OFFICE LLC knows how catastrophic these accidents can be, as we’ve worked with many car accident victims as they seek compensation for their injuries. Call to discuss your injury case. 

The Link Between Driver Fatigue and Commercial Trucking Accidents

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), about 13% of commercial vehicle accidents involve some amount of driver fatigue. Truck drivers often spend long hours behind the wheel and often must travel at night. Commercial truck drivers are particularly prone to fatigue since they tend to complete their shifts overnight. Even attentive commercial truck divers aren’t immune to fatigue from traveling hundreds of miles between destinations with little sleep. These grueling schedules can take their toll, resulting in life-changing consequences. 

Hours of Service Regulations That Truck Drivers Need to Follow

The FMCSA has established hours of service regulations to mitigate the risks of commercial trucking accidents. The regulations intend to restrict how long a driver can perform their job-related driving duties in a day and in a week. Additionally, the regulations require drivers to take breaks as well as days off when they’ve worked a certain number of hours. Unfortunately, these regulations often aren’t enough to prevent all collisions due to driver fatigue. 

Responsibilities of Trucking Companies

Aside from truck drivers’ own individual decisions, trucking companies have a duty to enact certain regulations to decrease the risk of accidents. They must carefully choose the routes that drivers are assigned, as well as the expected time of arrival. Exceedingly high demand can make it more likely for drivers to become fatigued, leading to collisions that could have been avoided.

What to Do If You Were Hurt In a Commercial Trucking Accident

Truck accident injuries are among the most catastrophic accidents due to the speed and size of the trucks involved. These accidents often cause irreversible damage to life, health and property. If you were injured, you deserve to know what options are available. You may be entitled to compensation depending on a few key factors in your case, such as whether the other driver was following safety precautions during the time of the accident. Details of the incident can be used as part of your claim, which can be formed alongside a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer. 

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney

Finding solid ground in the aftermath of a truck accident isn’t simple, especially if you or a loved one was severely injured. With SAM LAW OFFICE LLC at your side, you’ll discover how you can pursue compensation for your injuries. Call our firm today to schedule a consultation. 





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