
Family Law Uncontested Divorce Vs. Contested Divorce

Family Law
Uncontested Divorce Vs. Contested Divorce

Uncontested Divorce Vs. Contested Divorce

Many people begin the divorce process with the hope that conflicts can be resolved amicably and quickly. While a truly “uncontested divorce” is possible and few cases ultimately go all the way through trial, the vast majority of divorces are contested to some degree and require negotiation or mediation. Having a family law and divorce attorney you can talk to openly and trust is essential to avoiding unjust outcomes and long-term regret.

A Contested Divorce Attorney Who Will Find And Pursue The Best Approach

If you and your divorcing wife or husband agree on all issues and details upfront, SAM LAW OFFICE, LLC is here to help you complete all steps in the uncontested divorce process. Most importantly, divorce and family attorney Susan A. Marks is prepared to advocate assertively for you on any disputed matter, including child custody, parenting time, support or complex property division that is part of a contested divorce action.

Contact our law firm today to schedule a free initial consultation to learn more.

Some divorce cases that initially appear straightforward take a difficult turn as strong emotions and fears about the future surface. It is critical to have an attorney who will genuinely watch your back from a legal perspective in any divorce.

Equipped To Address All Disputes Assertively And Skillfully

When disputes arise, divorce attorney Susan A. Marks is an outstanding advocate — laser-focused on gathering and presenting the evidence needed to achieve our clients’ goals. Some areas of dispute that can escalate and push a divorce into tough negotiations or even trial involve:

  • Child custody and parenting time, hinging on different views of the arrangement that best serves children’s best interests
  • Allegations that the opposing spouse has been cruel and abusive or is chemically dependent on alcohol or drugs
  • Division of property and debts, sometimes including one spouse’s belief that the other has hidden income or assets
  • Whether or not spousal maintenance (alimony) should be paid and, if so, how much for how long
  • The validity and practical application of a prenuptial agreement

Call 847-255-9925 For A Divorce Lawyer Who Will Prioritize Your Case

Whether you need a divorce lawyer who will emphasize efficiency or representation in an intensely contested divorce, contact our firm today. Our work together will begin with a helpful, free initial consultation focused on your most essential concerns and what we can accomplish for you.


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