
Recovering Damages for a Dog Bite

Dog Bite
Recovering Damages for a Dog Bite

Recovering Damages for a Dog Bite

In a recent publication, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that in the U.S., approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year. Even more disturbing is the fact that around one-third of dog bite victims are children or adolescents, with the highest rate of attacks occurring against those between the ages of five and nine years old. These type of incidents can have traumatizing consequences for victims, especially children, who may suffer from disfiguring scarring or a fear of animals for the rest of their lives. Treating dog bite-related injuries is also notoriously expensive, especially if a wound becomes infected, which happens in around one out of every five cases.

Fortunately, those who are attacked by someone else’s dog can collect compensation to cover these medical expenses, in addition to lost wages and even pain and suffering in severe cases, so if you were injured by another person’s animal, it is critical to contact a Schaumburg dog bite attorney who can ensure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to recover damages for your losses.

Strict Liability Cases

When it comes to dog bites, Illinois is a strict liability state, which means that injured parties are not required to prove that an animal’s owner was negligent in order to collect compensation. Instead, the injured party is only required to prove that:

  • He or she was attacked by the defendant’s dog;
  • He or she was lawfully on the property where the attack occurred; and
  • He or she did not provoke the animal.

As long as these elements are satisfied, the dog’s owner can be held liable for damages, even if he or she did not have any knowledge of the dog’s aggressive or vicious nature. Furthermore, Illinois uses a strict liability rule for other kinds of animal attack-related injuries. For example, if a dog jumped on someone, knocked her down, and broke her arm, then its owner could still be held liable for the injury even though it was not caused by a bite.

Dog Bite Complications

Dog bites can cause serious injuries, including punctures, torn muscles, and even damage to the bone. Unfortunately, dog bite victims are also at risk of suffering from bite-related complications, including:

  • Rabies, which is a virus that manifests as a high fever, convulsions, and difficulty swallowing;
  • Pasteurella canis, which is the most common type of bacteria transmitted by dogs through their bite and causes redness and swelling;
  • MRSA, which is a deadly bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics; and
  • Tetanus, which is a toxin that is transmitted in certain types of bacteria and causes stiff jaw muscles, painful body spasms, and paralysis.

While these are the most serious strains of bacteria, there are a number of other kinds of bacteria that can still cause infections and even tissue death.

Contact a Dog Bite Attorney in Schaumburg Today

Please contact the SAM LAW OFFICE LLC at 847-255-9925 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced dog bite lawyer who can explain your legal options. A member of our team is standing by to help you through each step of your case.





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